Welcome to Inspire University. A present and future source for growth, inspiration, motivation and direction. We know it is important to continue learning and growing throughout our lives. But, there are many of us who have a challenge of keeping ourselves inspired and/or motivated. We then tend to continue to look for more and newer things to motivate ourselves. While this may work for some, there are ways that are much more beneficial, productive and enjoyable. What we need is to be inspired from within. Connect with the love and strength that is within and outside of ourselves. Then we don’t need to constantly buy that new book or training program, unless you are truly inspired to have it.

I’ve learned that we can become too dependent on outside sources for motivation and inspiration. Yet, there are many useful sources that can assist you to be interdependent. (finding motivation from without and within.) We will have some great courses, teachings, and resources available here. These resources are to help you make shifts in your life. This will help you to feel successful, fulfilled, and joyful in your life.